Community Media Centre concludes a human rights training course in coordination with the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Gaza-February/2019-Community Media Centre concluded a human rights training course in coordination with the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR). Twenty journalists participated in the event over three consecutive days during the week.

The training course aimed to empower journalists in various human rights subjects, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women-CEDAW, freedom of opinion and expression in domestic and international legislation, and the International Bill of Human Rights. The training focused more on providing journalists with fundamental concepts of international human rights law, mechanisms for the protection of civilians and journalists, and mechanisms for monitoring and documenting violations of international humanitarian law and human right.

The training was supervised by a team of trainers specializing in human rights and democracy training from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights composed of Abdel Halim Abu Samra, Mohammed Atallah, Ahlam al-Aqraa, Mohammed Abu Hashim and Majeda Shehada.

Since its inception in 2007, CMC has been striving to promote and disseminate a culture of human rights and democracy among young people, especially journalists. It aims to develop their legal and rights aspects and qualify them to write press reports based on the listing of valid legal information and accurate and provide a picture of the reality of freedom of opinion and expression in Palestine and the negative effects of violations of these rights and their repercussions on society.

“The training has added knowledge about new legal concepts and knowledge of the mechanisms that can be used to defend their rights as journalists and impart scientific and practical skills in defending human rights,” said the participant, Mohammed Lulu.

The participation Saidya Hussain recommended that CMC should continue to carry out more training courses that contribute to raising the awareness of participants about human rights concepts.

At the end of the training, certifications were distributed to the participants of the training course.

Community Media Center (CMC) is a civil institution operating in the Gaza Strip and seeks to develop the role of media in addressing societal issues, promoting the values of democracy, equality and a culture of human rights, focusing on women and youth issues and highlighting them through various social media and within the approach Human rights-based.

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