The Community Media Center conducts Six awareness sessions on “women’s right and gender-based violence,” around the International Youth Day


The Community Media Center (CMC) organized six awareness sessions on Women’s rights and issues of gender-based violence, under the second phase of “ambassadors for women right” that funded by HEINRICH BOLL STIFTUNG.

About two hundred young people of both genders from Rafah, Khan Yonis, the Sothern governorates, participated in the mentioned sessions. In close cooperation with six civil society associations, including Rafah Women’s Program Center, “Wefaq” Association for Women and Children care, Future House, Al-Fajr Al-Shababi, And Al-Majdedun Association, in addition to the Association If We Stop Dreaming.

The project (Ambassadors for Women’s Rights) seeks to empower young leaders of both genders to foster positive social change regarding the Women’s rights against the manifestations of gender discrimination.

“Young people have gained many experiences and skills in the second summer training camp “support her 2″. These include management, facilitation of educational sessions, and public speech skills to share their knowledge about such considerable issues with their young peers. Noting that awareness sessions are being implemented in all governorates in the Gaza strip, especially the marginalized one.” Ms. Andalib Adwan, the Director of the Community Media Center, said.

In the World Youth Day, the youth Ambassadors expressed that such topics as violence against women, the concept of gender justice, and the convention on eliminating all forms of discrimination against women attracted their interests and provoked a desire to make noticeable progress on social issues. On the same level, Young ambassadors screened a documentary film contains excerpts of old movies produced by the Center about the women’s rights, violations against women’s right to inheritance, the issue of early marriage, the family protection law against violence, and the personal status law.

 Mohammed Al-Kahlout, one of the ambassadors and session facilitators, said: ‘We come out of the session with important recommendations, the most important of which is the need to highlight women’s rights issues as well as raise awareness about the considerable Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and focus on women’s rights politically, economically, socially and culturally.’

Mohammed Al-Kahlot attached,” ‘The participants interacted well, as some motivated to express their experiences, noting that the public needs effort focuses on an intensive education about the right to inheritance and the right to participate in decision-making. As young people, we must work to deliver their messages to vast audiences and stakeholder groups.’

It is noteworthy that the community media center (CMC) is a non-governmental organization in the Gaza strip that seeks to develop the role of media in addressing community issues. Moreover, it plays a significant role in promoting the values of democracy, equality, and a culture of human rights, focusing on women’s and youth issues and highlighting them in various media and human rights-based approaches.

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