On the occasion of International Women’s Day and on the sidelines of the eighth of March CMC presents and discusses film on the issue of violence against women

Gaza-March/2019-On the occasion of International Women’s Day and on the sidelines of the eighth of March Community Media Centre (CMC) held a workshop to present and discuss a film on the issue of violence against women in Rafah in cooperation with Al-Wifaq Association for the care of women and children.

The workshop targeted a group of women and young men who are survivors of violence and receive psychological and legal support from Al-Wifaq Association for the care of women and children.

Community Media Centre chose the screening of the Centre’s “bride/Alarousa” film in an earlier project that addresses the story of two women from the Gaza Strip who have a bitter experience of domestic violence and have managed to overcome their problems and continue their lives. It aims of demonstrating successful models in the face of the phenomenon of violence as an incentive for women to learn how to address the phenomenon of violence against women, to work to raise their awareness about their fundamental rights and to highlight the seriousness and seriousness of the violation of women’s rights.

Women’s rights activist Hanan Siam, a member of Community Media Center, discussed the film with the attendee women, defined violence against women, its types and causes, listened to their input and exchanged ideas and suggestions on the most effective ways to end the problem of violence against women.

The women and young men thanked CMC and the film screening who gave them the opportunity to listen and sensitize them on the issue of violence against women, and to familiarize them with the ways of claiming their rights legally in the political, economic and social spheres and how to defend themselves.

Community Media Center (CMC) is a civil institution operating in the Gaza Strip and seeks to develop the role of media in addressing societal issues, promoting the values of democracy, equality and a culture of human rights, focusing on women and youth issues and highlighting them through various media outlets and within the approach Human rights-based.

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