Community Media Center implements open day in activities of International Women’s Day

Gaza-March/2019- Community Information Centre has conducted an open day of celebration for women media professionals as part of their activities to commemorate the international Woman’s Day.

The psychologist Dr. Ayat Abu Jayyab from the Aisha Foundation, in which she helped to unload the emotional shipments of the media participants in today’s events, and eased their stress and tension, carried out the activities of the Open day that included a session for self-care and integrated security. This session included the expression of psychological state through refresher games to make them better. Many exercises such as breathing and relaxation exercises, emotional and warmth exercises, and imagination exercises, were carried out with the listening of music, all of which alleviated the stress and fear repressed in them, to the pressures of daily life under the difficult conditions and conditions that the media coexist in the Gaza Strip. In this regard, Abu Jayyab stressed that the self-care sessions should be continued from time to time, especially in the current difficult conditions in the Gaza Strip.

The media participants expressed their happiness and interaction with this activity, expressing the magnitude of the pressures they face and how this session gave them positive energy that helps them to take care of themselves and cope with the atmosphere of tension surrounding them and called for more such sessions that reduce the burdens of life.

At the end of the session, CMC distributed flowers with motivational messages as a way of encouraging them to complete their careers better and stressing the importance of their participation as media professionals in the public sphere.

As part of this day’s events, the media also wrote short messages for all the women in the world urging them to unite with Palestinian women and support their ongoing struggle for freedom, justice and equality. They put these messages in small, sealed bottles and dumped them in the sea of Gaza wishing to these messages reach all Mediterranean countries and the voice of media professionals in the Gaza Strip reaches women in those countries.

In March, CMC carried out activities in support of women’s rights in the Gaza Strip where it conducted workshops to display and discuss a documentary on the issue of violence against women in Rafah in cooperation with Al-Wifaq Association for the care of women and children. It targets group of women and Young survivors of violence to educate them about their fundamental rights.

Community Media Center (CMC) is a civil institution operating in the Gaza Strip and seeks to develop the role of media in addressing societal issues, promoting the values of democracy, equality and a culture of human rights, focusing on women and youth issues and highlighting them through various social media and within the approach Human rights-based.

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