Ambassadors for women’s Rights project inaugurated by CMC

GAZA – March/2019 –Community Media Centre (CMC) inaugurated a project of ambassadors for Women’s rights funded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

The inaugural meeting was attended by the vice chairman of Community Media Center Hanan Siam, the project coordinator, Noura al-Ashi, and a range of academics working in the universities of the Gaza Strip and activists in the field of defending women’s rights.

In her speech, Noura al-Ashi welcomed the audience and spoke about the role of Community Media Center in advocating for women’s issues, and the implementation of many media projects that advocate for women and shed light on the violations that occur against them.

Al-Ashi discussed “Ambassadors for Women’s Rights” project explaining that it aims to raise awareness of women’s issues, respect their rights, treat them equally and address their issues in a way that preserves their dignity and mobilizes young people’s efforts to defend women’s rights in society.

Al-Ashi reviewed the details of the 8-month project which will provide various activities from seminars focusing on women’s rights and issues and gender equality as well as the implementation of a media training camp with the participation of 25 students from the media and rights colleges in the Gaza Strip. It includes workshops to develop their knowledge of women’s issues and rights and gender concepts and to explain international conventions relating to women. Young people will be trained in advocacy skills, lobbying, and advocacy to raise awareness, and how to serve as ambassadors for women’s rights in their communities and to impart their knowledge and awareness of women’s rights and issues to their peers and their community.

Al-Ashi noted that at the end of these meetings there would be a code of conduct for the rules of dealing with women and respect for their rights, where the team of facilitators of seminars and academics will take part in the presentation of their interventions. The code will be printed and distributed to all educational institutions and organizations in civil society.

The project will be concluded with a conference to present the results of the project, announce the composition of the Ambassadors ‘ Committee and the nature of their work and discuss the code of conduct, al-Ashi said.

During the meeting, the different stages of the project, the mechanisms for its implementation and the methodology used to achieve the desired objectives were clarified before the exchange of ideas, suggestions and open debate on the project with the participation of the attendees.

Community Media Center (CMC) is a civil institution operating in the Gaza Strip and seeks to develop the role of media in addressing societal issues, promoting the values of democracy, equality and a culture of human rights, focusing on women and youth issues and highlighting them through various social media and within the approach Human rights-based.


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