Her external appearance is an obstacle in her work


CMC-Gaza -Saedya hussian

Having made an academic and practical career in the field of journalism and media. Hiba Rizk, a writer and reporter, began the search for gainful employment, where she felt that she had refined her academic and theoretical studies with training and fieldwork to the degree that she was empowered to integrate into the labor market.

But Hiba has made and tried many times tirelessly, but to no avail; her dress and her exterior were an obstacle to many jobs!.

“I knocked on the doors of many radio and television stations that were announcing a number of jobs, and I passed all the tests, but eventually they apologized to me,” Hiba said.

“They were too often ashamed to show me the obvious and rude reason for my guess about my exterior and not wearing hijab and robes, and in my inner convictions I wouldn’t change my mind until I found a job.

And don’t forget Hiba when she insisted on knowing her refusal by a radio station, to answer her that she did not fit the editorial policy of the radio before she started with them already!.

Hiba follows: “We do not necessarily judge others of their appearance, especially if he is a journalist, the journalist, the power and competence of those who possess the different skills and experience needed by this difficult profession, and I used and reared in my family that every human being is free as long as he did not pass or impudent on the freedom of others”.

“I am an ordinary girl, I know my statutes, the limits of my freedom, and at the same time follow the fashion trends, with all the appropriate information for me and my personality, and I have never had any prejudice on anyone either through the way of their dress or anything related to their external body, and I thought that the media center that I hoped to be a part of. He will be open and governed by competence, professionalism and objectivity first and foremost”.

It is a gift that the media is tasked with conveying the truth and addressing the MIA issues that concern them and haunt them with all impartiality and honesty, “I do not think the form of one will help to convey this message and spread that truth”.

“I choose the foreign authority and clothing is a right guaranteed by all international covenants and treaties, both for journalists and non-journalists, as it is one of the freedom of opinion and self-expression that the United Nations has read in its 1993 report, as well as in many international constitutions and the Universal Declaration,” says Hiba. on human Rights Article 19 and the 1963 United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

This story was released within the project “young women advocate their rights as human rights” @ 2018


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