Female university students…. No discussion


CMC-Gaza -Haneen Alothmany

The fact that the female students are in the process of equipping themselves to offer midterm exams at the university for two months or more, they found themselves at the doors of the halls and barred from entering it, for university administrative procedures, they are required to pay the fees due as a condition for entering the exam hall, which was denounced by the students as He was denounced by several competent authorities.

One of the universities in the Gaza Strip raises the slogan that it is “a Palestinian institution of higher education, which achieves the ambition of the Palestinian people and is a title in the work and giving”, but in the second semester of 2018, the economic conditions of Palestinian families under siege were not taken into account for the emergence of heads of household for With the help of security men, the 11-year-stand broke the peaceful stance of female and male students in their yard to oppose the university’s unjust decisions, as events began.

The beginning

On the morning of March 24, the student “B. M” was prepared to provide the first midterm exams at the university, but the administration did not give her approval to enter the test halls – according to her – and did not find the methods of begging to enter, and did not tempt them promises to pay the fees after the submission of tests for fear of expiry of the time limit For the test, the loss of the second semester which he had approached.

It is like the case of many students and students who gathered and the way the university deals with them in the settlement of their sit and in the criteria of selecting who is entitled to enter the exam hall and who is not entitled under very difficult economic and social conditions.

Although many of the female students later gathered in a peaceful pause, the university demanded that they be allowed to enter the test halls, affirming their right to education guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the first paragraph of article 13, which includes the principle of education that guarantees the exercise of human rights and taken into account; However, all the attacks over the course of three days were unsuccessful and the security forces continued to forcibly disperse the peaceful assembly, using verbal violence in dispersing them, where one of the security officers said: “Go to the original you are not girls” and then spit on them, and they called the women police who used Beating students.

The peaceful stand is a form of expression of opinion and is guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 in article 20, which states that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association”, and in the same article of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights guarantees the human right Embrace and express opinions without harassment.

This story was released within the project “Young Women Advocate Their Rights as Human Rights” @ 2018

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