Community Media Center implements seminar on women’s Rights

Gaza-April/2019-Community Media Centre (CMC) implemented a seminar on women’s rights and issues and gender equality as part of the activities of the ambassadors for Women’s Rights Project funded by The Heinrich Böll Foundation in Germany.

Academics and activists in the defense of women’s rights attended the seminar that was held in collaboration with the Friends of the Student society in Nuseirat.

The seminar aims to listen to the participants ‘ point of view about women’s issues, the importance of respecting their rights, how to deal with their humanitarian issues, to preserve their dignity and to provide them with due protection in all circumstances in order to formulate and incorporate these interventions into a code of conduct for the rules dealing with women. Community Media Center will print and distribute it to all educational institutions and civil community organizations.

The workshop concluded with several recommendations: coordination between civil society institutions and universities to come up with a plan of action to reduce the phenomenon of violence against women and activating the role of the media in the advancement of women’s issues because it plays a major role in guiding and changing the ideas of society.

After the discussion of several topics centered on violence against women, a summary of the proposals, conclusions and recommendations was presented and discussed by the audience.

Among the most important recommendations of the participants was the intensification of activities and meetings and their replication in several regions, especially since the seminar was held in the Nuseirat region that is rarely targeted.

Community Media Center (CMC) is a civil institution operating in the Gaza Strip and seeks to develop the role of media in addressing societal issues, promoting the values of democracy, equality and a culture of human rights, focusing on women and youth issues and highlighting them through various media outlets and within the approach Human rights-based.

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