Community Media Center holds its annual meeting of the General Assembly

Community Media Centre (CMC) held its annual general assembly meeting in the presence of a majority of its members and representatives from the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy to discuss and approve the financial and administrative reports for the past 2018 in addition to electing new members to the board of director.  The Chairman, Mustafa Ibrahim, opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees, explaining the most important issues about the work of the assembly during 2018 and discussing the plan of action for the coming period. The meeting began with the presentation and review of the administrative report of all the activities and programs carried out by CMC throughout 2018 that achieve the objectives of the center and the publication of its message and approval by the members then discuss the financial report presented by the External Auditor. It also unanimously endorsed the transparency and fairness of the reports, in the presence of the members of the General Assembly and included the election of a new board of directors and the determination of its responsibilities for the conduct of the center’s affairs in the coming period. They also praised the members of the General Assembly for the achievements of CMC during 2018 and expressed the hope that the center will achieve further progress and prosperity. In the end, the Director of CMC, Andalib Adwan, thanked the members of the General Assembly for their presence and active participation, stressing the need to hold more meetings between the Board of directors and the General Assembly in order to discuss new mechanisms for the development of professional and administrative work at the center. The Community Media Center (CMC) is a civil institution operating in the Gaza Strip and seeks to develop the role of media in addressing societal issues, promoting the values of democracy, equality and a culture of human rights, focusing on women and youth issues and highlighting them through various social media and within the approach Human rights-based.

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