Annual Report 2018


   Annual Report 2018


                                                            Project 1: – Combating violence against women your responsibility-support her- phase 2 . Funded by : Heinrich Poole Foundation, Germany.

The main activities of the project:

– Ten seminars were conducted to combat the phenomenon of violence against women.

– Ten guideline sessions were carried out for the same target group in the seminars to present the results of the research study and the new mechanisms to deal with the phenomenon of violence against women.

– 20 awareness workshops entitled “Combating violence against women in the Gaza Strip – your responsibility” were implemented in the colleges and universities of the Gaza Strip.

– Two training workshops have been conducted to promote and develop workers ‘ interventions in the field of combating violence against women.

– A conference entitled “Efforts to combat violence against women .. New instructions ” was implemented.

 Project 2: – Make Your Own movie . Funded by: – Paltel Group.

The main activities of the project:

– 55 training hours were carried out in 11 days about writing script for short documentaries, video editing (montage), professional imaging methods.

– 20 Mobile film has been produced which discussed all human rights topics.



Project 3:Young women advocate for their rights as human rights. Funded by: Canadian WACC Foundation.

The main activities of the project:

– 50 training hours have been carried out to develop and learn.

– (10) awareness-raising workshops targeting 500 women and young people of both sexes were carried out.

-An information campaign.

-The production of a series of reports about issues affecting freedom of opinion and expression (preparation of 30 written reports, 30 illustrated reports, preparation of 5 audible pieces between public and awareness-raising episodes)

-Four accountability sessions were conducted about the reality of freedom of opinion and expression in the Gaza Strip with the syndicate of journalists, the Legislative Council, government media and human rights institutions.

– a conference entitled “Freedom of opinion and expression in the Gaza Strip … Towards a democratic” development community. It targeted 300 people.

                                              Project 4:– Youth rights Advocates, makes change. Funded by: In partnership with the Save the Future society and in cooperation with the Association of Yabous Charitable and youth development and funded by the European Union

The main activities of the project:

– 75 hours of training were carried out about the subjects of citizenship and democracy, human rights, photography, advocacy skills, negotiation and use of social media, and the skills of mobile film production.

– 150 photographs and 30 films mobile images were produced

– Four accountability sessions were carried out about the violations of the rights of young people in the Gaza Strip with related persons and decision-makers.

–  An advocacy campaign was carried out.

–  A human rights festival titled “The Rights of the youth in the lost Time” was carried out in all governorates of the Gaza Strip.

Project 5: – Lighting on youth issues. Funded by: CCFD – Terre Solidaire

The main activities of the project:

– Three youth groups in the age of (20-35) were formed to enable them to make documentaries.

– 3 documentaries were produced.

For more details about our projects click on the link below.

2018 Activities




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