Hanan has a low level of freedom of expression. Tax treatment abroad

Gaza-CMC-Heba Abu Aqlein

Hanan Tafesh “28” was not known to have been injured when she was going to school in the general high schools at the age of 17 in the Zeitoun neighborhood after his invasion in 2005, which was because of a bullet planted by a Zionist soldier in her body and which led to her inferior paralysis, will deprive her of the simplest and most important rights she does not dare talk about Mio Her political, and do not dare to express her opinion freely either through her journalistic work she practiced the media without study, or through her personal accounts on various social media sites, since after the injury she still has to be treated in the hospitals of the city of Jerusalem after receiving a medical referral, being Basis of coordination between the Palestinian association and the competent authorities of the Israeli occupation authority to be able to pass through the Beit Hanoun crossing “Erez”.

“I and all the travelers from the Beit Hanoun crossing are different forms and types of humiliation, humiliation and psychological torture, especially the sick and wounded, where the search and investigation and the complexity of the procedures are intensified, and in a way that contradicts all the norms and laws of humanity and the divine canons,” says Hanan”.

This is contrary to the imposition of the Fourth Geneva Convention, where the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilian Persons, in time of war, of 12 August 1949, imposes on the occupation authorities the duty to allow all medicines and medical tasks to pass, to ensure the protection and respect of the sick, the weak and the women, and to work to the fullest Its methods allow for the maintenance of facilities, medical services and hospitals.

“Because of my need for continuous treatment in West Bank hospitals, I have to go beyond many of the issues and topics that I wish to write in a bold and influential way, and I hope to find my treatment here in Gaza hospitals so that I can rest and relax my press pen and express my opinion freely and boldly”.

Hanan expresses her hope that she will be a renowned and well-known news anchor, able to broadcast all issues of interest to the citizen from behind the microphone with objectivity, integrity and freedom, noting that she has a great hope that he would come the same day of healing; and be a strong and courageous journalist without any special restrictions Of the Israeli occupation authorities.

It notes that the occupying Power and all those who advocate it enrich the level of freedom available in this usurper state, even though its true face is quite different, especially as it is with its various repressive practices that our mouths are silenced as journalists and journalists in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

This story was released within the project “young women advocate their rights as human rights” @ 2018

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